"Norman stronghold" by Viv Evans
"Kayak Practice" by Mike Jones
"Serene" by Viv Evans
"Castle Grounds" by Claire Barnes
"The Celtic Cross" by Margaret Jones
"Which way to the castle?" by Hilary Harding
"Down to the Sea" by Mike Jones
"River Bed" by Tom Parry
"V on the V twin" by Viv Evans
IMG_5201 by Morlais Davies
"Sinking in the Mud" by Mike Jones
"Laugharne Castle" by Sonia Scharneck
"No filters, just glass" by Claire Barnes
"Laugharne sky" by Viv Evans
IMG_2118 by Morlais Davies
"Please Tidy Me" by Mike Jones
"Cheeky Monkey" by David Hough
IMG_5207 by Morlais Davies
"Roses are red" by Hilary Harding
"Strange behaviour" by Viv Evans
IMG_2135 by Morlais Davies
"Resting place.....with a tipple" by Claire Barnes
"Dylan's Tipple" by Hilary Harding
"Church Door" by Margaret Jones
IMG_5210 by Morlais Davies
"Dylan forgot his shirt" by Sonia Scharneck
"NE from Dylan Thomas' Boathouse" by Simon Harding
"The Boat House" by Viv Evans
"Knock Knock" by David Hough
"Red Buoy" by Margaret Jones
"Sea View" by Viv Evans
"Crennelations" by Hilary Harding
"See no, Hear no, Speak no....." by Claire Barnes
"Claire distorted" by Viv Evans
"Bringing into Focus" by Hilary Harding
"Threatening Clouds" by Simon Harding
"Lonely Bird" by Tom Parry
"South Western Cockerel" by Claire Barnes
"13:47, Market Street and King Street, Laugharne" by Simon Harding
IMG_5205 by Morlais Davies
"St Martin's Church" by Claire Barnes
"Brown's Hotel" by Viv Evans
"Lacrymosa" by David Hough
"Tom....Peeping Tom" by Claire Barnes
"Pretty-ish" by David Hough
"George VI Relic" by Viv Evans
"New Screw" by Margaret Jones
"Old Boat!" by Simon Harding
"D H smartphone technique" by Viv Evans
"Perpendicularity" by Hilary Harding
"Californian Poppy" by David Hough
"NQCC at Dylan Thomas' Writing Shed" by Morlais Davies
"Reflections" by David Hough
"What a Gang" by Mike Jones
"Come on, Margaret, I've got you!" by Sonia Scharneck
"Black Knight's Approach" by Hilary Harding
Tall and Strong" by Sonia Scharneck
IMG_2112 by Morlais Davies
"The King and Castle" by Simon Harding
"Black on White" by David Hough
"Colourful Wreck" by Mike Jones
"Floral Rust" by Hilary Harding
"Dylan Thomas' Boathouse" by Simon Harding
"Windows" by Hilary Harding
"Terracotta" by Hilary Harding
"Oi U" by Viv Evans
"Blue Boat" by Hilary Harding
"Writing Shed" by Viv Evans
"Writing Desk" by Tom Parry
"Exercised in the Still Night, When only the Moon Rages" by David Hough
"The Writing Shed" by Hilary Harding
IMG_5213 by Morlais Davies
"I say, old boy, what fun!" by Margaret Jones
"Chware dwli" by Viv Evans
"Leat" by David Hough
IMG_2108 by Morlais Davies
"Reach for the Sky" by Mike Jones
"Poorly Knees, Laugharne Castle" by Simon Harding
"Laugharne Castle" by Simon Harding
"Keep Off" by Viv Evans
"And Death shall have No Dominion" by David Hough
"Evening Sky at Laugharne" by Mike Jones
"This Side First" by Margaret Jones
"The Dirty King and Filthy Bishop" by Simon Harding
"Yet Another..." by David Hough
"Oh, for a Red Filter!" by Simon Harding
"St Martin's Church" by Simon Harding
"Tide's Out" by Simon Harding
IMG_2171 by Morlais Davies
"Red Boat" by Roy Peters
"The Afon Taf Estuary from Laugharne" by Simon Harding