September 5th - Welcome to our new season
Send your 3 Summer images to Simon by the 1st September.
We will discuss the images informally and helpful advice will be given to those who request it.
*** Membership for the year is due tonight ***
Septemer19th - Discussion Evening
Extra evenings will be planned for smaller groups to be shown different ways of using programs such as Photoshop, Affinity, Lightroom etc. Also evenings to discuss camera settings or any other issues. Bring your cameras tonight to compare and discuss.
September 26th - Tenby "Battle"
Click here for details
October 3rd - “Long Exposure”
An evening with our talented member Colin Price. AWPF, EFIAP, PPSA, MOL. Colin will show us how he takes his long exposure images. Bring your own paper and pens to make notes.
October 10th - Smartphone Photography and Image Resizing
An extra evening to discuss photography using your smartphone. We will also be discussing image resizing, so bring along your notepads and pens!
7pm - 8pm Smartphone photography
8pm - 9pm Image Resizing
Come along to one of the sessions, or both, as you wish.
The evening will be led by our Gareth Parry CPAGB.
October 16th - Cardigan Inter Club Competition
Click here for more details
October 17th - Print Night
Bring your prints for selection for the Stanley Chell and Memorial Trophy external competitions.
Your prints must be mounted in 50x40cm mounts (no larger!!)
Hopefully, we will have enough prints to choose 4 prints for Stanley Chell, as well as 4 colour and 4 mono prints for the Memorial Trophy. Don’t forget your excellent prints from our exhibition. Your opinions and comments about the prints will be much appreciated.
Also don't forget to write on a piece of paper the title of the image (and the photographer) that is your favourite from anywhere on this website (not one of your own), and hand to Margaret this evening.
Plus....make sure you've let Simon know which are your own 2 favourite images that you have captured, and which are featured on the website. Be prepared to talk about these images this evening.
November 1st - Midday - Deadline to send images to Simon for our November 21st internal competition (see below)
November 7th - An evening with Les Loosemore ARPS, AWPF, DPAGB
“Kenya Unplanned”. An old style original slide show - a reminder of how presentations were enjoyed in the past.
November 21st - Internal Competition
2 images for the “Open” category and 1 image for the themed category “Gates”.
Click here for details
December 5th - Our Christmas Dinner
December 19th - Night Photography
Weather permitting. We could try and put into practice some long exposure methods. Project and discuss images on return. Second choice would be to have a night of indoor still life photography.
For the evening's night pictures click here.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Club Programme - Jan to Aug 2025


Send Simon your 3 images for our discussion evening by midday Sunday 5th January.

January 9th - A discussion evening.
Celebrate the New Year by talking about your favourite 3 images taken over the Christmas season.
Click here to view images
Send Simon your images for the February 6th competition by midday Thursday 23rd January.
January 23rd - A talk by Ben Montgomery “Top Gun – Aviation Photography”
Ben is one of our newest members and we look forward to seeing his images.

February 6th - Internal Competition
2 images for the “Open” theme and 1 image for the “Nephograms” theme (an image with clouds as the prominent feature).
Click here for details.
February 20th - An evening with Viv Evans
One of our talented, highly respected members. We will see a range of interests from birds to stars and more.
February 27th - “A Selection of my Favourite Prints, Colour and Mono” by Gareth Martin AWPF, CPAGB
One of our favourite guest speakers returns, after a long absence, to show us his impressive prints. Well known for his excellent small prints.

Send Simon your images for the Triptych Competition by midday Thursday March 6th
March 6th - An evening with Roy Peters
We are very fortunate to have yet another one of our talented members entertain us tonight with his A/V show. "Alaska and Canada"  seen through the eyes and lenses of Roy Peters AWPF, CPAGB.
Not to be missed.
March 12th - Carmarthen Camera Club PDI competition
Click here for details
March 20th - Internal Competition - "Triptych"
I triptych panel (open themed) and 1 open image. The evening will be anonymously and "internally judged" by the attending club members on the night, but also by our very own Roy Peters AWPF, CPAGB.
Click here for details
April 3rd - "My Photos are Rubbish"
A thought-provoking evening with our popular member Chris Haines.
April 17th - "Photography? Art? Is there a difference?"
Our member David Hough will enlighten us. Yet another talented, well respected member of our club. We are so lucky.
May 1st - New Quay Battle
Our Battle. All arrangements TBA.
May 15th - Six Pack
A very popular evening out photographing six topics. This year, our youngest member, Tom Parry will be our leader. Not to be missed.
May 23rd to June 1st - Our NQCC Exhibition
Send your images to Simon for the June 19th competition by midday Thursday 5th June
June 5th - “SCOTLAND landscapes” by Jenny Hibbert MPAGB, EFIAPg, AWPF
Jenny is an exceptionally talented wildlife photographer who will show us some of her beautiful images. Jenny is also twice past President of The Welsh Photographic Federation (WPF).
June19th - Internal Competition
2 images for the “Open” theme and 1 image for the “Long Exposure” theme.
June 26th - A.G.M.
July and August
Many trips to be discussed and arranged. All members who have been able to go on these trips have thoroughly enjoyed themselves; thanks to our leader Morlais.
The programme is subject to changes at any time.
Extra evenings will once again be arranged for members suggestions.
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